Phytochemical Investigation of Gagea Reticulate (Kuwait Medicinal Plants)

Document Type : Original Article


The Department of Public Authority for Applied Education and Training Pharmacy, College of Health Sciences, (PAAET), Kuwait


Abstract Background: Gagea reticulate is one of the medicinal plants, yet there is no enough information about its phyto-chemical profile. In this endeavour. Aim of Study: This study was aimed to carry out a detailed phytochemical screening of the active constituents in the bulbs, stems, leaves and flowers of Gagea reticulate growing wildly in Kuwait. Material and Methods: Phytochemical screening were done for plant after collection of flowering plants from Kabd area of Kuwait during the spring of 2005. Results: The present study results reported the presence of high amounts of cardiac glycosides, Carbohydrates, flavo-noids and steroids and triterperes in the bulbs while flavonoids is more abundant in the yellow flowers and the scarce presence of alkalonids. Conclusion: Gagea reticulate plant contains significant amounts of cardiac glycosides, flavonoids and some sterols in the different parts of the plant especially the bulbs. The literature revealed similar findings in different species of the family. The results of the current paper could serve as a starting point for further future investigation of the contents of the Gagea reticulate plant.
