Patterns of Malignant Lymphoma among Admitted Patients inAl Gamhoria Hospital, Aden, Yemen


The Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Aden University, Yemen


AbstractBackground: Carcinoma has great prevalence amongworld population. World Health Organization (WHO) classi-fication of malignant lymphoma has become popular sinceits introduction in 2001 and has been applied to the classifi-cation of malignant lymphoma in different countries aroundthe world.Aim of Study: This study was aimed to assess the preva-lence of malignant lymphoma among admitted patients to Al-Gamhoria Teaching Hospital Aden, Yemen in the periodbetween 2010-2014.Methods: A retrospective descriptive study coveringregistered cases of lymphoma was applied over the period2010-2014. Patient's registry data wascollecting from Al-Gamhoria Teaching Hospital Medical Registries Department.The following variables were studied included: Age, gender,tumor site, malignant lymphomas type according histopathol-ogy and residency.Results: Both types of lymphoma were having convergentdistribution. Most age groups affected were among 30-39years in non-Hodgkin lymphoma, while in Hodgkin's lympho-ma the predominant age group were among 20-29. Male beinghighest (57.1%) than female (42.9%). The mixed cellularitytype was common representing 42.3% in Hodgkin's lymphoma.The nodular lymphoma was 54.7% while in the extra nodularlymphoma; the gastrointestinal was common representing50%. Most of the registered cases were from Aden Governoratewhere the hospital is located.Conclusion: Male gender associated with high percentage,the middle age group and mixed cellularity were the predom-inant in Hodgkin's lymphoma. The gastrointestinal manifes-tation in extra nodular lymphoma was highly prevalent.
