Ultrasound Characterization of a Solitary Thyroid Nodule According to British Thyroid Association (BTA) - Derived Criteria: A Simple Test of Reliability on a Small Cohort


The Department of Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology* and Department of Pathology**, Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria, Egypt


Abstract Background: US-based thyroid imaging lexicons have been widely used in clinical practice for identification of FNAC-eligible thyroid nodules. A “U”-classification (BTA) was introduced in 2014 with intense researches conducted in last five years trying to test its feasibility and reliability in stratification of US thyroid nodules. Material and Methods: Prospective single-center uni-departmental study aimed at selection of only “solitary” nodules with image-analysis of US features of suspicious and non-suspicious nodules and ascribing each nodule a “U”-class in view of lexicon-provided user-friendly graphic references. Results: A small cohort, of 37 solitary nodules, was selected out of a total of 150 with comparison to FNAC aspiration cytology result according to pathology Bethesda staging. The correlation of each “U” class was compared to pathology (fine needle aspirates) and revealed very good statistical significance. Conclusion: The study suggests that a BTA (The “U”- classification) is a simple reliable test that can be feasibly practiced to select FNAC-eligible nodule amongst multi-nodular glands.
