Left Radial versus Femoral Coronary Angiography in Post CABG Patients


The Departments of Cardiology* and Cardiothoracic Surgery**, National Heart Institute


Abstract Background: Coronary angiography via TRA approach (TRA) has gained growing acceptance and operator preference in recent years, based on a reduction in vascular complications and mortality. Aim of Study: This study was aimed to Compare left radial versus femoral artery approach during coronary angiography in patients post CABG especially in fluoroscopy time and contrast amount. Patients and Methods: Our study was a single center, retrospective cohort study was done on 100 patients to compare procedural variables especially fluoroscopy time and contrast amount of TRA versus TFA catheterization in patients who had previously undergone CABG surgery. In the period be-tween February 2020 and February 2021, 100 patients who had previously undergone CABG surgery and had received diagnostic or interventional cardiac catheterizations at our institute were included in the study population. Results: Our results observed in Table (1) cleared that, the number of male patients in TFA access group was 35 (70%), while, the number of males in TRA group was 37 (74%). Conclusion: Our study concluded that the fluoroscopy time and contrast amount were of lower levels in the TRA access than TFA access.
