Comparative Study between Subcuticular Suturing With and Without Drain for Wound Closure in Obese Women in Obstetric and Gynecological Operations

Document Type : Original Article


The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University


Abstract Background: Subcutaneous wound drainage is used in some obese womenin Obstetric and Gynecological Operations. The indications for its use is not clear. Aim of Study: This study aimed to evaluate the Value of Subcutaneous Surgical Wound Drainage in Obstetric and Gynecological Operations in obese women. Patients and Methods: This randomized controlled study included 74 patients undergoing gynecological or obstetric surgery. Patients were divided into two groups based on the placement of drain with subcuticular skin closure. Group A (37 patients) included patients managed with subcuticular suturing with subcutaneous drain, while group B (37 patients) included patients managed with subcuticular suturing without subcutaneous drain. Results: In group A, the mean VAS (visual analog scale) for pain was 3.0±0.9, ranging between 1 and 4. In group B, the mean VAS for pain was 4.2±0.8, ranging between 3 and 6. A statistically significant difference was found between groups regarding VAS for pain. On the other hand no significant difference was observed between groups regarding postoper-ative complications. Conclusion: Many obstetric and gynecological operations can be done safely in obese patients without prophylactic subcutaneous drain age. However, it is still the surgeon's decision to place a drain or not according to multiple factors.
