Did Wrapping Falciform Ligament Pedicle Flap Around Pancreaticojejunostomy Reduce the Incidence of Pancreatic Fistula in Pancreaticoduodenectomy? Randomized Control Trial

Document Type : Original Article


The Department of Surgical Oncology*, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University and The Department of Oncosurgery**, Damietta Cancer Center, Damietta


Abstract Background: Pancreatic leakage and secondary hemor-rhage are the most important source of morbidity and mortality after PD. After Blumgart anastomosis has reported a reduction in the rate of PF after PD, adjuvant use of the falciform ligament around PJ was introduced as an augmentation to PJ. Aim of Study: To evaluate the effectiveness of wrapping the PJ by falciform flapin reducing pancreatic fistula. Patients and Methods: This is a prospective2-center RCT that was carried out in the period from 2019 to 2021. It includes 50 patients that were randomized into 2 groups, PJ with falciform wrapping and PJ without falciform wrapping. All patients were compared regarding risk factors and post-operative complications. Results: The two groups were comparable regarding patients’, operative and pathological factors. The post-operative complications were less in the falciform group but without statistical significance. Conclusion: Wrapping the Blumgart PJ with a falciform flap can reduce pancreatic leak incidence and/or severity.
