A Prospective Study of Guillain-Barre Syndrome Cases Among Adults Admitted in Al Gamhouria Teaching Hospital and Private Hospital in Aden City - Yemen

Document Type : Original Article


The Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University, Yemen


Abstract Background: Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is an acute autoimmune-mediated peripheral nervous system disease. Different studies from various geographical regions have reported considerable variability regarding its demographic data, clinical features, subtype and outcome. Aim of Study: This study aimed to describe the demo-graphics, clinical patterns, subtypes and outcome of patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome admitting in Al-Gamhouria Teaching Hospital and a private hospital in Aden City in Yemen. Patients and Methods: It was a prospective study carried out in Al Gamhouria Teaching Hospital and a private hospital in Aden City Southwest of Yemen, over a period of three years, Between (February 2020 to February 2023), it included 30 patients >16 years of age diagnosed with with Guillain-Barre syndrome. Results: During the study period, 30 patients were enrolled, mean age was (31±6) years, (60%) of cases were male while (40%) being female, half of patients belonging to the age group of (16-39) years (50%), Prior history of infection was detected in (67%) of patients, sensorimotor form, was the most common form, it was (63%), demyelinating lesion subtype composed (57%) while axonal lesion subtype (43%), (20%) of the patients subjected to mechanically ventilated, while (80%) of patients have not been ventilated. Conclusion: This study concluded that young, middle age male patients were the majority of cases, demographics, clinical, and eletrodiagnostic results similar to those reported in previous studies, majority of cases were not being ventilated.
