The Department of Basic Science*, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University and Cardiothoracic Surgery Department**, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University
Abstract Background: Pulmonary complications are common after cardiac surgery such as reduction of oxygen saturation, pneu-monia, pulmonary embolism and pleural effusions. Pulmonary complications after cardiac surgery result in prolonged hospi-talization and increase in healthcare cost, patients have limited homeostatic reserve associated with chronic heart failure, pul-monary illness and multiple comorbidities. Aim of Study: To investigate the effect of bubble positive expiratory pressure device on arterial blood gases and chest ex-pansion measurement in post thoracic surgery patients. Patients and Methods: Fifty-two (52) male and female patients after thoracic surgery their age 50-75 years; random-ly allocated into equal two groups. Group A (control group) received conventional treatment including diaphragmatic breathing exercises and pursed lip breathing exercises, Group B (study group) received conventional treatment and bubble positive expiratory pressure device. The treatment was applied two times per day for one week. Arterial blood gases measured by arterial blood gases device and chest expansion measured by tape measurement preand post-treatment. Results: The study group (B) showed statistical signifi-cance reduction in partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (PaCO2) and improvement in partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2) and arterial oxygen saturation (SAT) than control group (A). There was no significance difference in acid-base balance of the blood (PH), concentration of bicar-bonate in arterial blood (HCO3) and chest expansion measure-ment between study group (B) and control group (A). Conclusion: Bubble positive expiratory pressure device and conventional treatment improve PaO2 and SAT and reduc-es PaCO2 in patients after thoracic surgeries than conventional treatment alone.
OMNIA M. NAGIB, M.Sc.*; FATMA S. AMIN, Ph.D.*; GHADA A. ABDULLAH, Ph.D.*, I. M. E. N. M. (2024). Efficacy of Bubble Positive Expiratory Pressure Device in Post Thoracic Surgery Patients. The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 92(03), 119-127. doi: 10.21608/mjcu.2024.353094
ISMAIL M. El NAGGAR, M.D.** OMNIA M. NAGIB, M.Sc.*; FATMA S. AMIN, Ph.D.*; GHADA A. ABDULLAH, Ph.D.*. "Efficacy of Bubble Positive Expiratory Pressure Device in Post Thoracic Surgery Patients", The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 92, 03, 2024, 119-127. doi: 10.21608/mjcu.2024.353094
OMNIA M. NAGIB, M.Sc.*; FATMA S. AMIN, Ph.D.*; GHADA A. ABDULLAH, Ph.D.*, I. M. E. N. M. (2024). 'Efficacy of Bubble Positive Expiratory Pressure Device in Post Thoracic Surgery Patients', The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 92(03), pp. 119-127. doi: 10.21608/mjcu.2024.353094
OMNIA M. NAGIB, M.Sc.*; FATMA S. AMIN, Ph.D.*; GHADA A. ABDULLAH, Ph.D.*, I. M. E. N. M. Efficacy of Bubble Positive Expiratory Pressure Device in Post Thoracic Surgery Patients. The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 2024; 92(03): 119-127. doi: 10.21608/mjcu.2024.353094