Electronic Medical Records: Impacts, Outcomes, Challenges, and Opportunities

Document Type : Original Article


Aim: This comprehensive review aims to examine the impact of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) on patient care and outcomes, exploring their historical development, benefits, challenges, and future directions. Methods: A thorough literature review was conducted, en- compassing studies, reports, and scholarly articles on EHRs from various academic databases. Key findings and insights from these sources were synthesized to provide a comprehen- sive overview. Results: The review highlights the significant benefits of EHRs, including improved accessibility and efficiency of pa- tient information, enhanced communication and coordination among healthcare providers, and support for evidence-based clinical decision-making. However, challenges such as interop- erability issues, privacy concerns, and provider resistance re- main barriers to the full realization of EHR benefits. The review also identifies promising opportunities for the future of EHRs, including advancements in technology, integration with tele- medicine and remote monitoring, and their role in population health management and research. Conclusion: Despite challenges, EHRs have revolution- ized healthcare delivery, offering substantial benefits for patient care and outcomes. Continued efforts to address challenges and harness technological advancements will be critical in maxi- mizing the impact of EHRs and further improving patient care and outcomes.
