The Risk of Excess Lamb Meat (Mutton Meat) Consumption on the Emergence of Ischemic Heart Diseases and other Related Health Problems in Habitants of North Sinai Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


The Department of Environmental Medical Science, Institute Environmental Studies, Arish University1, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt2 Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Arish University3 and Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Arish University, Aldahya4


Abstract Background: Besides having health effects, fatty acids also play an important role by enhancing the texture, flavour and aroma, and subsequently acceptability of meat. In this regards among the different food sources for human consumption lamb meat contain the highest fat content so decrease lamb meat con-sumption and enrichment of other different sources meat with healthful fatty acids can be achieved by innovative nutritional approaches. Aim of Study: This study aimed to studying the relation of excess lamb meat consumption and prevalence of cardiovascu-lar risk factors (CVR) as diabetic mellitus (DM), hypertension obesity and dyslipidaemia in the North Sinai Governorate. Patient and Methods: This study included 100 patients attending the outpatient clinics either the Cardiology or the Internal Medicine over a period of one year from January to December 2023. According to lamb meat consumption patients were classified into two groups: Group (1) Included 50 Patients with higher and group (2) Included 50 patients with lower lamb meat consumption. All patients were subjected to full history, general examination and laboratory investigations. Results: The study results revealed that increased consump-tion of lamb meat had significant relationship with increased risk factors of CVS. There was a highly significant relationship between weight of lamb meat content per meal & days per week of lamb meat consumption for one year and glycated haemo-globin, LDL cholesterol, obesity and elevated blood pressure (p<0.001). Conclusion: This study concluded that excess lamb meat consumption is associated with development of coronary heart disease (CHD) by increasing risk factors of atherosclerosis, stroke, dyslipidaemia and diabetes mellitus.
