Effect of Acupuncture Like Tens and Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercises on Blood Pressure in Women with Preeclampsia, AMAL SALEH ESMAIL, MAGDA S. MORSY and MOHAMED F. ABOELEINEN

Document Type : Original Article


The Department of Physical Therapy for Women Health, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University


Abstract Background: Preeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy. With preeclampsia, the pregnant mother might have high blood pressure, high levels of protein in urine that indicate kidney damage (proteinuria), or other signs of organ damage. Preec-lampsia usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy in women whose blood pressure previously been in the standard range. Preeclampsia can lead to serious-even-fatal-complications for both the mother and baby. Early delivery of the baby is often recommended. The timing of delivery depends on how severe the preeclampsia is and how many weeks pregnant you are. Before delivery preeclampsia treatment include careful mon-itoring and medications to lower blood pressure and mange complications. Using transcutaneous electrical nerve stimula-tion (TENS) to stimulate specific acupuncture points has a great efficacy to lower blood pressure. Also, deep breathing exercises is a type of relaxation techniques that assist in lowering blood pressure and reducing symptoms of preeclampsia. Aim of Study: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the acupuncture like TENS and diaphragmatic breath-ing exercises on blood pressure in women with preeclampsia. Patients and Methods: This study was carried out on Forty pregnant women in third trimester, suffered from mild preec-lampsia. Their (SBP) was ranging between (140-159) mmHg and their (DBP) was ranging from (90-99) mmHg. They were selected randomly from the outpatient clinic of obstetrics and gynecology at Zagazig Hospital. Their ages were ranged from (25-35) years old, their body mass index (BMI) didn’t exceed 30kg/m2 and their parity was ranged from (0-3) children. All patients were divided randomly into 2 groups equal in number as study group (group A) and control group (group B). Study group (A): This group was consisted of 20 patients. Each pa-tient in this group had received transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) with frequency 2Hz and pulse width 200μs on bilateral acupoints (LI4), (LI11), (ST36) and (LR3) that were presented in upper & lower extremities for 30 minutes, 3 times/week till the end of pregnancy. Also, each patient was asked to perform deep breathing exercises for 20 minutes, 3 times/week till the end of pregnancy. Additionally to this, each patient was asked to take her medical treatment (antihyperten-sive drugs) and to follow with her doctor continuously until the date of delivery. Control group (B): This group was consisted of 20 patients. Each patient in this group was asked to perform deep breathing exercises for 20 minutes, 3 times/week till the end of pregnancy and take her medical treatment (antihyperten-sive drugs) and to follow with her doctor continuously till the date of delivery. Results: The results of this study revealed that, both groups (A) and (B) showed statically (p-value <0.001) significant de-crease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure after treatment. Group (A) achieved a percentage of decrease in systolic BP 18.98% and a percentage of decrease in diastolic BP about 16.30%. While group (B) achieved a percentage of decrease in systolic BP 4.8% and a percentage of decrease in diastolic BP 4.25%. By comparing the two groups (A & B) before and after treatment course, it was found that, percentage of decrease in systolic and diastolic BP in group (A) was more pronounced and more noticeable when compared with group (B). Conclusion: It could be concluded that acupuncture like TENS and diaphragmatic breathing exercises had a beneficial effect in lowering blood pressure in women with preeclampsia.
