Influence of Postural Stability Training Versus Neck Stabilization Exersices on Balance in Patients with Forward Head Posture

Document Type : Original Article


The Department of Basic Science, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University


Abstract Background: Research has confirmed that adopting a for-ward head position (FHP) can cause a displacement of the body’s center of gravity, causing the upper body to lean back-ward. This can create a significant ergonomic hazard, increas-ing the likelihood of sustaining injuries. Due to compensatory upper body drift, both hips usually tilt forward. As a result, FHP can not only lead to neck pain but also create back pain and disrupt balance. Aim of Study: Thepurpose of study was to find out the im-pact of biodex postural stability training versus stabilization head and neck exercise balance in individuals with forward head posture. Material and Methods: This study involved 60 young adults with severe forward head posture (<46 cranio-vertebral angle). Subjects were divided into 3 groups (A,B and C): - Group A were given conventional treatment plus postural sta-bility training using biodex balance system for six weeks, day after day. - Group B were given conventional treatment plus neck stabili-zation exercise for six weeks, day after day. - Group C were given conventional treatment plus combination between postural stability training and neck stabilization ex-ercise. Results: Comparison between the three groups reveled the findings of these study revealed that the superiority of group A on group B in both APS, MLS, and, while, there was superiority of group B on group A in CVA. In addition, there were superior-ity of group C on group A in OS, MLS, CVA, and ROF. Further more, there was superiority of group C on group B in all variables except CVA. Conclusions: According to the extent and results of the study, it was determined that stability exercise in addition to conventional treatment were more effective in improving bi-odex measurement, CVA measurements, OS, MLS, APS, and ROF.
