Incidental Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT) Findings in Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia

Document Type : Original Article


The Department of Radiology, Mansoura University Hospitals*, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Delta University for Science and Technology** and Radiology Department, Ain Shams University Hospitals***


Abstract Background: With increase using chest MDCT scanning for follow-up and evaluation of patients with Covid-19, there is incidental findings (Ifs) that in needing for further examinations and follow-ups for early treatment option. Aim of Study: This study aimed to investigate the frequency and significance of incidental MDCT findings in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Patients and Methods: Original 2364 radiology reports were evaluated retrospectively during August 2020 to March 2021 for the description of IFs, which were defined as any find-ing in the report not related to the purpose of the scan. Doc-umented IFs were categorized according to clinical relevance into minor and potentially significant IFs and according to anatomical location into pulmonary, mediastinal, cardiovascu-lar, breast, upper abdominal and skeletal categories. IFs were reported as frequencies and percentages; descriptive statistics were used. Results: Among 2364 Covid-19 patients underwent fol-low-up MDCT scanning, 257 (10.87%) patients were detected with incidental COVID-19 pneumonia, 149 women and 108 men with mean age 45.77 years. Pulmonary findings were seen in 89 (3.8%), hepatobiliary findings; 76 (3.2%), cardiovascu-lar findings 44 (1.8%), and breast 38 (1.6%). The prevalence of cancers among screened participants was 48 (2%). The most common malignancy was; hepatocellular carcinoma (20: 0.8%), followed by breast carcinoma (11: 0.5%), bony thoracic cage metastases (8: 0.3%), bronchogenic carcinoma (7:0.3%), and lymphoma (2: 0.1%). Conclusion: Incidental findings of MDCT in patients with COVID-19 was 10.87%. So it is also important to define IFs other than pneumonia in patients who underwent chest CT ex-amination during the pandemic.
