A Comparative Study of Immunoglobulin (E) Levels in the Nasal Mucosa and Blood in Chronic Rhinosinusitis Patients With and Without Nasal Polyps

Document Type : Original Article


The Departments of Otorhinolaryngology* and Otolaryngology**, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University


Background: Rhinosinusitis is a significant health problem, which results in a large financial burden on the society. Chronic rhinosinusitis is a multi-factorial disease. These factors are mucociliairy impairment, (bacterial) infection, allergy, asthma, genetic factors and environmental factors. Critical analysis of the papers linking atopy as a risk factor to rhinosinusitis (chronic or acute). Immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels increase when patient exposed to common antigens (e.g., house dust, animal dander and pollen) with increased production of allergen-specific IgE.
Aim of Study: The aim of this work is to compare the level of IgE in the nasal mucosa and blood in chronic rhinos-inusitis patients with and without nasal polyps.
Patients and Methods: 60 patients, presented with Chronic rhinosinusitis with and without nasal polyps were enrolled in the study. Patients were divided into two groups: (Group I) Chronic rhinosinusitis patients with nasal polyps and (group II) Chronic rhinosinusitis patients without nasal polyps. Levels of total and local IgE were measured in two groups.
Results: Group I show that local IgE was high than normal but total IgE was within normal range. Group II shows that local and total IgE were within normal range.
Conclusions: This study suggests a higher prevalence of allergy in Chronic Rhinosinusitis patients with Nasal Polyps (CRSwNP) than Chronic Rhinosinusitis patients without Nasal Polyps (CRSsNP).
