Her-2 Neu Expression in Endometrial Carcinoma

Document Type : Original Article


The Departments of Pathology* and Obstetrics & Gynaecology**, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University


Introduction: Endometrial cancer formed 0.004 of the tumors in Egypt. Detection of high grade tumors from the low-grade ones is mandatory for survival of the patients.
Aim of the Work: The use of immunohistochemical tech-nique to detect the expression of Her-2 neu in endometrial carcinomas.
Material and Methods: Fifty cases of endometrial carci-noma (37 endometrioid, 10 serous, 1 clear cell and 2 undif-ferentiated carcinomas) were stained with Her-2 neu and its immunoexpression results were evaluated statistically using Chi-square and t-test.
Results: Her-2 neu was expressed in (76%) 38/50 cases with statistically significant relation between Her-2 expression and both grade of the tumor p<0.013 and stage p<0.05. Although Her-2 immunostaining was not correlated with tumor histological type p<0.088.
Conclusions: Her-2 neu could be used to detect the low-grade, early-stages, endometrial carcinomas from the more aggressive high-grade endometrial carcinomas for therapy modulation.
