Unilateral Versus Bilateral Wrist Band in Alleviating Nausea and Vomiting in Post Cesarean Section

Document Type : Original Article



Background: Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is nausea and vomiting occurring within 24 hours after surgery. Acupressure by using wrist bands are used to decrease post-operative nausea and vomiting by stimulation of P6 acupoint.
Aim: This study designed to analyze the effect of unilateral wrist band versus bilateral wrist bands in decreasing postop-erative nausea and vomiting.
Methods: Forty volunteers, women had cesarean section, were randomly sent to two equal groups in the number of (A&B). Group (A) had unilateral wrist band before induction of anesthesia and removed 24 hours after operation, group (B) had bilateral wrist bands before induction of anesthesia and removed 24 hours after operation.
Main Measures: Assessment for all subjects in both groups (A&B) was carried out by using Rhodes Index, immediately after operation and at 6 and 24 hours after operation.
Results: Both groups exhibited a reduction in PONV after the end of treatment program, when both groups (A&B) were compared together, there is favoring of group B. These results indicate that using of unilateral wrist band and bilateral wrist bands were effective methods in decreasing post cesarean section nausea and vomiting, but bilateral is more effective.
