Abstract Background: Hemodialysis (HD) units are considered high risk areas where Blood Stream Infections (BSIs) are common. Infection Control (IC) programs aim to reduce the risk of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) and cross-contamination of the environment. Nursing staff in HD units should be trained and educated about IC measures regularly. Aim of the Study: This study was conducted to assess the baseline knowledge and practices in IC among the nursing staff and to assess IC policies, strategy and implementation in HD units. Subjects and Methods: A cross sectional study design was conducted in the HD units at Kasr Al-Ainy Hospitals, all nurses providing care for chronic HD patients participated in the study (two HD units are present in Kasr Al-Ainy Hospitals, 11 nurses are available in each unit). Results: Regarding the IC knowledge of the nursing staff, the median total score was 49/70 (42-52) in unit (1) and 44/70 (40-56) in unit (2). Regarding the IC practices of the nursing staff, the median total score was 3/17 (1-8) in unit (1) and 6/17 (1-9) in unit (2) for invasive procedures and 0/9 (0-5) in unit (1) and 0/9 (0-4) in unit (2) for non-invasive procedures. Regarding the environmental assessment of HD units, it was found that no documented IC policies and procedures were present, both units didn't follow any immunization policy for HB V and isolation precautions weren't implemented properly. Regarding Focus Group Discussion (FGD) conducted with the nursing staff in HD units, it was found that the main obstacle in compliance with IC practices was absence of well-defined IC team. Conclusion: IC knowledge of the nursing staff was gen-erally low in both dialysis units due to the absence of written IC policies and procedures. IC practices' level of the nursing staff was also low due to the absence of regular IC staff round in both dialysis units.
YASSIN S. IBRAHIM, M.D., M. S. M., HODA I. RIZK, M.D., N. A. O. M., & SEDDIK, M.Sc., S. A. (2018). Assessment of Infection Control Knowledge and Practices among Hemodialysis Nursing Staff in Kasr Al-Ainy Hospitals. The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 86(June), 1649-1656. doi: 10.21608/mjcu.2018.56551
MONA SOLIMAN, M.D.; YASSIN S. IBRAHIM, M.D.; NOHA A. OSMAN, M.D.; HODA I. RIZK, M.D.; SALMA A. SEDDIK, M.Sc.. "Assessment of Infection Control Knowledge and Practices among Hemodialysis Nursing Staff in Kasr Al-Ainy Hospitals", The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 86, June, 2018, 1649-1656. doi: 10.21608/mjcu.2018.56551
YASSIN S. IBRAHIM, M.D., M. S. M., HODA I. RIZK, M.D., N. A. O. M., SEDDIK, M.Sc., S. A. (2018). 'Assessment of Infection Control Knowledge and Practices among Hemodialysis Nursing Staff in Kasr Al-Ainy Hospitals', The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 86(June), pp. 1649-1656. doi: 10.21608/mjcu.2018.56551
YASSIN S. IBRAHIM, M.D., M. S. M., HODA I. RIZK, M.D., N. A. O. M., SEDDIK, M.Sc., S. A. Assessment of Infection Control Knowledge and Practices among Hemodialysis Nursing Staff in Kasr Al-Ainy Hospitals. The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 2018; 86(June): 1649-1656. doi: 10.21608/mjcu.2018.56551