Abstract Background: Hypospadias is the most common birth defect among children affecting the penis characterized by ventral position of urethral meatus in which caused by arrest of normal development of the urethra. Aim of Study: To evaluate the effect of preoperative instructions for mothers on selected postoperative outcomes among their children with hypospadias. Subjects and Methods: A quasi-experimental research design (Pre-Posttest) was used to achieve the aim of the current study. A convenient sample of 60 mothers having male children undergoing surgical repair of hypospadias participated in the current study, divided into two equal groups: 30 as a control group and 30 as a study group who were subject to the preoperative instructions. The setting was in-patient pediatric surgical department at Cairo University Specialized Pediatric Hospital (CUSPH). The required data was collected through: 1- Structured interview (questionnaire); 2- Mothers' knowledge and reported practice assessment sheet (pre-posttest) and 3- Postoperative outcomes assessment record. Results: The study's results revealed that, children in the study group exposed to less early postoperative complications such as (bleeding, wound dehiscence, urinary obstruction and urinary catheter fall) than children in the control group. Late postoperative complications (fistula, meatal stenosis, urethral obstruction and infection) occurred in children in the study group less than those in the control group. Children in the study group had appropriate cosmetic appearance of the penis and functional outcome than children in the control group. Conclusion: The current study concluded that children whom mothers received the preoperative instructions about hypospadias had improved outcomes in relation to less com-plications, higher cosmetic and functional outcomes than children in the control group. Recommendation: It was rec-ommended that provision of pre and post-operative care of children undergoing hypospadias repair is mandatory to achieve satisfactory postoperative outcomes.
SOHEIR A. MOHAMED, D.N.Sc., W. M. K. M., & MOHAMED H. AHMED, M.D., M. A. I. D. (2018). Effect of Preoperative Instructions for Mothers on Selected Postoperative Outcomes Among their Children with Hypospadias. The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 86(June), 2079-2090. doi: 10.21608/mjcu.2018.56952
WALAA M. KAMEL, M.Sc.; SOHEIR A. MOHAMED, D.N.Sc.; MARWA A. IBRAHEIM, D.N.Sc.; MOHAMED H. AHMED, M.D.. "Effect of Preoperative Instructions for Mothers on Selected Postoperative Outcomes Among their Children with Hypospadias", The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 86, June, 2018, 2079-2090. doi: 10.21608/mjcu.2018.56952
SOHEIR A. MOHAMED, D.N.Sc., W. M. K. M., MOHAMED H. AHMED, M.D., M. A. I. D. (2018). 'Effect of Preoperative Instructions for Mothers on Selected Postoperative Outcomes Among their Children with Hypospadias', The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 86(June), pp. 2079-2090. doi: 10.21608/mjcu.2018.56952
SOHEIR A. MOHAMED, D.N.Sc., W. M. K. M., MOHAMED H. AHMED, M.D., M. A. I. D. Effect of Preoperative Instructions for Mothers on Selected Postoperative Outcomes Among their Children with Hypospadias. The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 2018; 86(June): 2079-2090. doi: 10.21608/mjcu.2018.56952