Ultrasound-Guided Transversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) Block for Chronic Post-Operative Surgical Pain: Review of 20 Cases

Document Type : Original Article


The Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University* and National Liver Institute, Menofeya University**, Egypt


Abstract Background: Post-operative surgical pain of at least 2- month duration in absence of clear causes was defined as Chronic Post-operative Surgical Pain syndrome (CPSP). Transversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) block is a new imple-mented regional anaesthetic technique included in the analgesic regimen for many abdominal surgeries to reduce immediate post-operative pain and opioid requirements. Aim of Study: To assess the feasibility and efficacy of US guided TAP block in the management of chronic post-operative surgical pain. Patients and Methods: US-guided TAB block done for 20 patients complaining of chronic lower abdominal pain around 3-months to one-year duration after surgical operation with injection of 20ml of bupivacaine 0.25% and 2ml of methyl prednisolone (40mg/ml). Unilateral injection done for 12 patients & bilateral injections done for 8 patients. Second injection done for 6 patients after 3 months (three unilateral & three bilateral). Patient's pain intensity was assessed by Visual Analogue Score (VAS) before procedure & during follow-up visits for the next six months. Results: Three months after US-guided TAP block; 5 patients with mild degree of pain & 2 out of 10 patients with moderate degree of pain became completely pain free, while other 13 patients acquired relative improvement (5 patients with mild degree of pain and 8 patients with moderate degree of pain). Six months after US-guided TAP block; 6 patients (accepted second injection) improved with mild degree of pain while other 2 patients showed little improvement with still moderate degree of pain. Conclusion: Ultrasound guided TAP block is safe and effective method in management of chronic post-operative surgical pain.
